Before You Book Your Next Airbnb — Read These 5 Tips From a World Traveler

Paige Humphrey
5 min readAug 12, 2022
airbnb, travel, home, work remote, remote, working, cabin, house
Photo by Andrea Davis

I’m lucky enough that I work fully remote — so I am able to travel when and where I please without having to ask permission from anybody. The ability to travel extensively at a young age is an opportunity that I am immensely thankful for! I respect the boundaries of my 9–5 (or sometimes 9–7…), but once my work is done for the day I can run off and explore the new city, town, or wilderness that I am in.

The real excitement comes in when I work in a time zone several hours behind my own. That way, I can finish up work at 2 or 3 pm (which is 5 pm my time) and have a full day of fun and excitement even on a weekday.

I understand not everybody can find a fully remote job, but if you can, trust me when I say you should accept it. I have been living the life that most people dream about living when they’re finally retired and have the time to travel! I saw a quote recently that said something along the lines of: People say you only live once, but that’s not true. You really only die once, but you get to live a new day every day. I try to always keep this quote in mind and live my life to the fullest every day.

I’ve had quite the summer in 2022. Over the past few months I have visited the following cities:

Miami, FL

